Bamboo Flooring
Just Floored is proud to offer bamboo flooring as well as its popular hardwood floors. Bamboo is a great looking product that is actually harder than hardwood flooring materials and can be harvested every five years making it a green product. Patterns have evolved, customers can choose either horizontal or vertical cut bamboo which have two different looks, and can choose either a dark or light finish.
Bamboo flooring is resistant to insects and moisture, making it an excellent choice for your entire home. Bamboo flooring made from bamboo stems can be cut to lengths, stained or varnished. American bamboo is made from cutting mature bamboo poles and cut into uniform strips. Without staining, the nature bamboo looks similar to beech wood and is very light in color. For a darker look, the bamboo is carbonized under steam and heat.
The most common use of bamboo floors have planks with either vertical- or horizontal-grain orientation. For vertical bamboo flooring, the bamboo is placed vertically on its thin edge and then laminated side to side. It then looks like a lined finished floor plank. For the horizontal bamboo floors, the planks go in a horizontal direction, on the fat edge, and laminated side by side, showing on the finished horizontal surface.
Bamboo can come in strips that click together which is the easiest to install. Individual flooring planks have interlocking joints that click precisely into place. Different styles can be created by combining planks with different colors.
Bamboo only needs five years to grow and be sustainably harvested. Usually bamboo needs no irrigation, pesticides or fertilizer. Because of its quick growth and little maintenance it is a great green flooring product for your home or business and is rapidly growing in popularity.
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